Inclusive web design with CL Design

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About CL Design

For more than 25 years CL Design has been creating, designing and deploying digital and web experiences that enrich people's lives through experiences that are no less than superior.

Not only does this mean better experiences for more people, it means removing barriers associated with certain web and digital standards that keep some people marginalized.

We believe that people take precedent over technology and our objective is to provide web/digital experiences that unite us while removing the distinctions that separate us.

Chris Lona—Principal

digital inclusion with chris lona

After a brain tumor in his final year of an Architectural degree program required him to wear an eye patch, Chris Lona established CL Design. A visual impairment and 20+ years of design experience have given him a unique perspective on accessibility and inclusive design. In addition to strategic branding design capabilities, CL Design specializes in treating people like people with inclusive web and digital design for the 21st century.

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website design by cl design • digital inclusion for the 21st century

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